Darrin's family and I hiked Mount Scott on July 4th - a fun way to spend the day
I was also spoiled to have my Mom, eldest sister Jen and two of her children (Henry and Lily) for a 3 day visit last week. We ate lots of good food (K.Falls has a Vietnamese restaurant that is always a must-go-to when they are in town), rented Kayaks from The Ledge and enjoyed an afternoon at Lake of the Woods, and (of course) toured about the farm. Next week my Mom returns with my other sister, Shoshawna, for a couple of days. I can hardly wait!
Last week's produce share included carrots, basil, strawberries, salad mix, and the peak delivery of sugar snap peas. This week (week 6), you will be enjoying the last of the sugar snap peas, the first of the garlic ('Shantung Purple', a Turban variety with moderate heat), more carrots, kale, basil, strawberries, and salad mix. The Extra-greens share will be salad mix this week.
I am beginning to see a lot of blushing going on in the greenhouse .....perhaps we will have the first tomatoes by next week?? Also, the dahlias are beginning to open, so I anticipate the flowers will be coming on within the next week or two. So much to look forward to!
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