Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Farm is Under Way

Hard to believe seeded tomatoes in the beginning of March can become rich flavored 1.5 lb heirloom tomatoes come July, but that's what happens.  With the seeding of tomatoes, peppers, parsley, eggplant, basil, and kale, the 2009 growing season has officially started.  With the warm weather and lack of snow cover this year, we might even be able to plant carrots and peas on time this year for June delivery. 

The CSA is nearly full for the season, so look forward to seeing more regular postings as I update the blog with important information.  We are thrilled to have most of last year's members join us for another growing season, and are happy to welcome the newcomers.  It's going to be a great year!  


  1. We're ready, too! Have you figured out how to email 'em yet?

    The greatest thing about planting a tree is knowing that some day
    someone else will be able to enjoy its shade.
    --Barbara Walker

    To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.
    --Jane Austen

    Amu Kurt

  2. Good morning and Happy Ostara! I just started my tomatoes, too, my first time! eep! looking forward to watching your progress
