Since it's the cold of winter in a land where outside tomatoes are hard to come by, okay nearly impossible, I thought I would make everyone's taste buds water with a special week of the tomato. The heirloom types Jordan and I grow vary in usual shapes, colors and tastes, but all have their positive personalities. Way back in the day we tried over 30 types. Today we have narrowed the list to about 10, though I can still convince Jordan to try a new bizarre one from time to time. Same with squash, but that is for another time. Some CSA members may still remember buying odd tomatoes from us when tomatoes were about the only thing we had. We had quite the rough first go of it and I'll give the tomato the title of saving the farm so to speak. They grew like weeds and the two of us couldn't keep up, frost came, they rotted, seeds left behind and somewhere in the dreamy mind of mine the ground we then leased is patch of new heirlooms, tolerant to Klamath frosts, and no water. Not likely though. For now we'll stick to these proven ones and each day I'll give a description and what they are best used for. That way when you pick one over the summer you won't be worried about that green striped one.
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